All about that pain in your groin - inguinal hernia symptoms


You’re not very fit but you play football on the weekends and you’ve developed pain in your groin, making walking difficult. It’s stopping you from playing.

It could be Muscle, tendon or ligament strain of the hip. This is particularly common in men who play hockey and football. Cure Take painkillers for the pain, ditch the weekend football and see your doctor to arrange a physio. The strain may take a month or so to heal itself.


You’re in your 60s and have developed an increasingly severe pain in your groin. It’s worse on walking but disappears with rest.

You’re overweight and take little exercise.

It could be Osteoarthritis of the hip, where the cartilage cushions within the joint have worn away due to wear and tear, made worse by carrying excess weight.

Cure See your doctor for scans of the hip to confirm the diagnosis and take painkillers for the pain. If your condition deteriorates, you may be a candidate for a hip replacement.


You’ve got pain and swelling in your groin and the pain is worse when you cough, bend over or lift a heavy object.

It could be Inguinal hernia, when a weakness of the abdominal muscles develops and allows part of the intestine to protrude through the weak spot. The resulting bulge can be painful.


Cure An inguinal hernia needs surgical repair

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